Date of issue: 
One of the immune surveillance mechanisms to protect the human body against the development of cancer is the presence of monoclonal IgM natural antibodies in the circulation. Routine immunosuppression is a wonderful occasion to carcinogenesis. Such a situation occurs for example after viral infections or is caused by smoking cigarettes. In addition, a growing cancer induces immunological tolerance. The possibility of using immunotherapy to treat cancer involves: a reduction of tumor cell mass, e.g., by the use of specific monoclonal antibodies, and to increase the number of specific cytotoxic T cell clones corresponding vaccination.

The Editorial Board
Andrzej Łukaszyk - przewodniczący, Zofia Bielańska-Osuchowska, Szczepan Biliński, Mieczysław Chorąży, Aleksander Koj, Włodzimierz Korochoda, Leszek Kuźnicki, Aleksandra Stojałowska, Lech Wojtczak

Editorial address:
Katedra i Zakład Histologii i Embriologii Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Poznaniu, ul. Święcickiego 6, 60-781 Poznań, tel. +48 61 8546453, fax. +48 61 8546440, email:

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