Toll-like receptors (TLRs), TNF receptor (TNF-R), NF-κB and the nuclear factor NF-κB family could influence cell-cycle progression, cell apoptosis, cytokines and adhesion molecules by regu- lation of proper genes which determine these process in neoplasm cells and blood cells. The aim of this study was to introduce the latest knowledge of the nuclear factor NF-κB family role in oncogenesis and neoplasm progression. In this study the characterization of Toll-like receptors family and role in nuclear factor NF-κB family activation, regulatory mechanisms of transcription genes of cell-cycle progression (e.g. cyclin D1, p16INK4A, GADD45), cell apoptosis apoptozy (e.g. TNF-R, XIAP, cIAP1,2, Bcl-XL) and oncogenesis (e.g. p53, VCAM, ICAM, cytokines) which determine these processes in neoplasm cells were introduced. Knowledge of mechanisms of activation by TLRs and TNF-R → intermediary proteins → NF-κB → cell-cycle, apoptosis, cytokines and adhesion molecules genes → product of expression, could allowe to activate antineoplastic fators and blocked proneoplastic molecules and use new therapeu- tic methods (immunotherapy, new criterions for operations).